
06. Pizzeria Venti

301 John Carlyle St
Alexandria, VA 22314

As you can see the surroundings are either frightening or oddly spooky. More than likely because of this Parking is a breeze!

The simple storefront led us into expecting a simple pizza place, we would soon learn the truth.

We headed inside to find a layout we have not come across in the months of We're Hungry. There are a lot of tables set up almost in a Deutschland Cafeteria. Lots of tables in a square shaped area. YOU DO NOT SIT DOWN FIRST! You walk up to the counter and order what you want right then and there then grab a seat and wait.

After we ordered we noticed the other part of the restaurant, The Bar/ Lounge Area. Off to the side from the main eating hall was this basement style chillax area. Large leather couches and big comfy chairs await you in this area as well as a Vizio LCD Televsion, showing a Cat Trade Show! We all found this fascinating, especially John.

Here is the bar area, no one was sitting here and it didn't seem to get much use. We greatly appreciated the effort as it gave the place a very comfortable basement vibe which we are all accustomed to.

MEATBALLS! Richard should've just ordered these because they are whopping in size! Taste wise I would have to say they were very authentic and held they shape as they were bitten into! +1!

John got this! We think its Lasagna!

Ahmed got this! Some kind of Breaded Sauce!

SAUSAGE AND PEPPERONI PIZZA! These reeked of FCPS style pizza. I mean look at the shape! Clearly the chef went to Lake Braddock and just felt the need to improve upon the pizza he had eaten for 12 straight years. One would normally think this was a criticism of the pizza but that couldn't be farther from the truth, we all loved the FCPS Pizza!

LADIES NIGHT! This place had a higher concentration of women than any other restaurant we've been to! All MILFs by the way. John thought they were more than likely a Lesbian Group who met at Pizzeria Venti every week to discuss lesbain things.

John drowned his bread and made a guy taking a sauce bath. Notice the bread arms and head sticking out screaming for help, or enjoying the relaxation. You decide!

Final Notes:
Pros: Ahmed said the place was 'good'
Ahmed loves the basement vibe but suggests a table be added to the mix so you can eat in the lounge, he also gave the meatballs an A+.
John was underwhelmed.
We all loved the bathroom except John who seemed to have had an unpleasant time in there, he gave us no details on what went down.

!!!SWEATER ADVISORY!!! It's drafty in this place!

We realized at the end of the meal that we should've taken the cannolis. Damn.

Ahmed- 7
John - 7.5
Richard 7.5 (+.5 for the bathroom sink!)

Total: 22

Special Note
In hindsight we all felt that Pines of Florence was the far better restaurant even though it received a lower score. We will try to keep this from happening again.


05. Red Mei

We've eaten at so many places since Pizza Pan! We are just terrible updaters. Hopefully we'll catch up soon, yaaaaaaaaay!

We went to Red Mei! It was John's choice, and he decided he wanted Asian food that was cheap.

Parking for John and Ahmed was easy. Richard got there a little late, and parking for him was easy, too! Parking rules!

Can you even tell that that's a restaurant in the picture below? I dunno man, I can't take a decent picture ever.

We went inside, and it was basically all red and orange colors everywhere!

See! It's a small environment, but we liked it. It was cozy! And all tables come with chopsticks, which freaks you out if you can't use chopsticks (all of us). Luckily, we found where the forks and knives were so we wouldn't make fools out of ourselves.

John and Richard decided to whet their appetites with an appetizer! Because that's what it's there for. Above is a picture of shrimp summer rolls, which look gross. It looks like shrimp and lettuce wrapped in plastic wrap or jellyfish or something. Anyway, they hated it. Then we got our real food.

Ahmed: Beef fried rice. Had unadvertised mushrooms, which Ahmed did not appreciate.

Richard: Chicken dish of some sort

John: Brown/orange thing. There's a lime in there... ummm... egg bits?

OK, we apologize for this mess. This is the only time we haven't written down what we ordered, and Ahmed only remembered what he got because it's basically what he orders any time he goes out to eat Asian food.

+: VERY very VERY ultra fast service, we can't stress that enough. They make the food in front of you, too, which is nice. It's also super cheap for some good food.
-: We didn't like the music. Also the previously mentioned unadvertised food in our food!

Richard: 6 (who doesn't like Asian food, so don't even try it Asians!)
Ahmed: 7
John: 7

Total: 20

The general consensus was that this was a great find. Everyone go there sometime! It's at 602 King St, right across the street from the Chipotle on King.

We also made a new We're Hungry logo out of the Shrimp Summer Roll that was left uneaten due to grossness: